February 16
Sacramental Prep and CGS classes are CANCELLED
Saturday Vigil Mass: 4 pm
Sunday Mass: 8 am and 10 am
Daily Mass: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 8:30 am; Wednesday 7 pm
Confession: Saturday 2:30-3:30 pm, Wednesday 5:45-6:45 pm, and by appointment
Eucharist Adoration: Monday 9 am to 3 pm, Wednesday 5:45-6:45 pm
Chapel is open Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm
Office Hours: Monday through Wednesday 9 am to 2 pm and Thursday 9 am to 12 pm.
Visiting other area churches? Locate alternate Mass times and locations here.
The community of St. Joseph Church, a Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic family rooted in Christ, is committed to loving and serving one another by living, sharing, and celebrating our faith. We hope you'll join us.
Thank you for considering making a gift to support our parish. Click below to make a one-time or recurring donation.
We are grateful to all our parishioners who have already given to the New Hampshire Catholic Appeal. We need the support of all of our parish families to reach our parish goal.
Together, we are many parts of the Church in New Hampshire, but one body of Christ and we can make a difference in the lives of many people. To make your gift, please return the gift envelope that you will receive in the mail or visit the NHCA website at: